Verizon Buss 2.0


Imagining an innovative & robust sales tool for incredible bulkvolume quote-building and catalog management

  • UX Design
  • Responsive Web Design
  • UX Strategy
  • Team:
  • Taylor Sams, Matt Pendleton, Emily Wong, Graham Gunn
  • Software
  • Miro, Adobe Creative Suite, Sketch
  • Role
  • UX Design, Visuals, Interactions
  • Dates
  • April 2022 - June 2022
  • About Project
  • The client, Verizon, has a nationally recognizable brand and an incredible marketing team - they’ve always been pretty capable of designing their own products and experiences. However, they’re very aware that data-intense or complex software experiences are just not their forté. In addition to that they have no internal resources to conduct unbiased research.
    This was the motivation behind our first engagement together - their internal sales tools have become a terribly inefficient mess and all attempts to design a solution have failed to yield any successful results. We don’t have to design the whole thing today, but if we can paint an attractive picture of what this product might look like and give its stakeholders adequate research to justify building it, then we will have been successful in cementing our role as their “guaranteed success” strategic design partner.
  • The Problem
  • The client is in a challenging place because they can’t define exactly what they need - but that’s okay. We set a modest timeline for ourselves to work through a discovery project. We planned to use many of our UX exercises that document business & user needs in the interest of proving the necessity of the tool we’re going to design. We also planned to prepare an analysis of that data in a presentable format so the client can showcase the purpose and value of the tool’s features and functions. If it’s good, then we’ll be engaged again to finish it. This project showcases the platform’s core functions with high-fidelity designs and a clickable prototype.


There wasn’t a clear problem statement from the client, just that there were big structural issues. So stakeholder interviews seemed like a great place to start to gather information directly from those most impacted. We conducted 14 interview sessions with more than 20 stakeholders and identified 12 types of users. These were then distilled down into 3 personas who represented clear user paths we could design for.

  • 01. Stakeholder Interviews
  • These are always a good idea, aren’t they? But, when nobody has a clear denition of the problem or the solution, this truly is a great place to start.
    We conducted 14 interview sessions!
    More than 20 stakeholders were surveyed.
    We learned about 12 types of users.
  • 02. Personas
  • Here’s another step we almost never skip. Understanding who the users are comes up every time we design an app which makes the persona pretty vital. We learned about 12 types of users. We broke them down into 3 core personas.
  • 03. Journey Map
  • Our favorite behavior scientist Aaron Walters suggests Journey Mapping at the beginning of a project while many practitioners do this closer to the end. The brilliance of this strategy is how rapidly it claries the core functions and roles. Then everything can be tied to the steps in the journey. Our master journey outlines 7 themes, 31 epics, and more than 50 stories.
  • 04. Design Workshop
  • we’re really big on design workshops. For this engagement we got all of our stakeholders together and workshopped answers to questions like “What’s the biggest problem?” and “Who needs this?”. We outlined 6 really important user-ows. We aligned on users and core functions.
  • 05. Function Density Map
  • When an app has a lot of power & capability, how do you decide which functions to surface in the UI? Which features should be the most prevalent? This is how you get a clear answer to those questions - especially when you need to convince a skeptic. Represents dashboard functionality This data justies our nav schema
  • 06. Competitive Analysis
  • This exercise is much more informative when performed per-function instead of for the whole product. In-market analysis shows competitors Out-of-market analysis shows the best XD
Stakeholder Interviews

 The fallout from the interviews
Stakeholder Priority Chart

 The fallout from the interviews

 User Ecosystem

Starting with an outline of the whole user ecosystem so that the personas we’re really interested in can be shown in their natural context provides a really valuable perspective.


A fast internet connection is crucial to access: government services, job opportunities, and communicate with others online. It is also becoming essential for the next generation as they learn and need it to access educational materials and do homework. Those without home internet access are quickly becoming cut off from essential tools and services or stymied by the limited productivity of small screened mobile devices.


Our interviews and analysis of the existing systems provided a huge amount of information but we needed to sort it into useful formats that could provide meaningful direction to future designs. Classic tools like experience maps provided a great way to start to filter all these inputs.

User Personas

Through the course of developing these Personas, we identified key workflows that any redesigned system would need to address. Among them: On-boarding new vendors, products, and product bundles. Educating salespeople on the products that they’re expected to sell. Giving salespeople access to tools to help them optimize sales opportunities. Building and tracking quotes

petfood home page
pet food quiz start page
pet food quiz start page
User Experince Map

An experience map can be simple, but we designed this one to be a billboard that lays out all the functionality of our 5 core user groups representing one powerhouse platform that delivers every function.
As planned, we didn’t just want to do exceptional research, we wanted to make each asset into an exhibition of value and quality. The team leaned on our infographic design skills for this piece. Our journey map is a foundation for the analysis of all our team’s collective research which is going to serve 3 huge purposes for us.


 Impact Effort Matrix

We chose to do the impact/effort matrix because this diagram provides many insights in just one exercise. From this diagram we can extrapolate which features provide the most value to the user which tells us how prevalent those features should be in our designs and especially our dashboards. Also, this diagram tells us how to group functionality if we choose to implement a multiphased development effort - since this is such an ambitious project that’s a very likely scenario.


Because we created our journey map so early in the process, the stories we documented are truly unbiased. They are universally true of the user’s needs before we’ve had the opportunity to speculate. Many very important functions happen offline - but they are still part of the journey and will still inform the functionality of our app for the strategists designing it. Because we had such a strong foundation to work off of we were able to ideate with a great deal of confidence.

User Process Diagrams

We decided to spend time identifying the core themes of our stakeholder interviews because there were so many innovative ideas. By breaking out each theme we were able to do our comparative analysis for each theme instead of at-large which gave us some amazing insights. This allowed us to dive into the design phase with confidence that we were designing towards something of real value.

Early Wireframes


Selected Wires

  Global Navigation
Quote Builder
Quote Kanban Concept

Design Solution

4 user stories guided our creation of over 30 key wireframes and led to a high-fidelity designed clickable prototype.
Just some of the highlights:
Personalized dashboards give instant access to workflows and information
Consolidated vendor and product management interfaces
Access to the entire BuSS catalog with one click
Always accessible docked quote builder interface
Drag-and-drop boards for managing and monitoring quotes from creation to fulfillment

Selected Screens

  Product Dashboard
Sales Dashboard
Quote Management
Quote Dock

Next Steps

The client was a great partner throughout the process and we got fantastic feedback when they were presented with the final design solutions. Verizon is now holding internal talks to assess how to engage the team further to take this framework and invest in making it a reality. There are several avenues they have asked us to see if we can extend this solution to including post-order fulfillment and support processes.


Extend design solution to post-quoting processes.


Conduct testing to validate design solution.


Validate database information to assess unification strategy.


Thanks for exploring this project!

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301 E. 54th St
New York, NY, 10022.
+1 571 384 0496