
everyone gets internet

A platform to link people without broadband internet at home to the resources to connect them and ensure everyone in your community has access to the services and tools of the web.

  • UX Design
  • Responsive Web Design
  • Branding
  • Project:
  • iggy
  • Software
  • Figma, Adobe Creative Suite
  • Role
  • UX Design, Visuals, Interactions
  • Dates
  • January 2022 - February 2022
  • About Project
  • iggy is a platform with the goal of ensuring that everyone can have a reliable home broadband connection regardless of their situation or background. By connecting communities to the internet iggy can help ensure everyone gets access to its wealth of knowledge and services.
  • Project Goals
  • Make it easy for users to find and sign up for home internet services
  • Connect users to resources or funds to help them
  • Educate users about the digital divide and the importance of a connection.


The big question: who's not connected in our communities at home and why? I collected data from white papers and online journals to figure out who these people were and what barriers exist for them so that iggy can meet them where they are and address their specific needs.

Home Broadband Use

The United States has quickly adopted internet use: in the year 2000 1% of Americans had a broadband connection at home, by 2021 that had risen to 77% 1 and the way that we access information and services had been drastically altered. However there is a gap remaining and 23% of households are unable to access what has become a crucial piece of infrastructure.2

Percent of U.S. adults who are home broadband users
“Internet/Broadband Fact Sheet” Pew Research Center, Washington, D.C. (April 7, 2021)
The Digital Divide

This is referred to as the digital divide and conservative estimates suggest that it effects about 21 million people.2 Three demographic subgroups make up the majority of this group and have a significantly lower adoption rate than others in the same category. They are: people who make less than $30,0001 per year, 57% adoption vs 92% for those who make $75,000 or more; those who did not complete high school,1 46% adoption vs 94% for those who hold a college degree; and those over the age of 65,1 64% vs those aged 18-49 at 86%. All other demographic variables including race, gender, and sexual orientation hew to similiar high levels of home internet adoption across groups.

Adults in each group without a broadband connection at home

Adults who make less than $30,000


Adults over the age of 65


Adults who did not complete high school

“Internet/Broadband Fact Sheet” Pew Research Center, Washington, D.C. (April 7, 2021)
Barriers and Alternatives

One of the most common reasons Americans cite for not subscribing to broadband at home is cost: 45% of adults say the monthly cost is too expensive1 and 40% say the cost of a computer is too high. A portion of this group has turned to smartphones as a way to access the internet instead and are considered “smart-phone only” internet users. Smartphone adoption has increased rapidly in the last decade and in 2017 smartphone ownership surpassed home broadband connections.

Percent of users who cite the following as a reason they don’t have broadband at home
Smartphone does everything they need
Monthly cost is too high
Have other options
Service is not available
Cost of computer is too high
Other reason
“Mobile Technology and Home Broadband 2021” Pew Research Center, Washington, D.C. (June 3, 2021)

A fast internet connection is crucial to access: government services, job opportunities, and communicate with others online. It is also becoming essential for the next generation as they learn and need it to access educational materials and do homework. Those without home internet access are quickly becoming cut off from essential tools and services or stymied by the limited productivity of small screened mobile devices.


Based on the research it was becoming clear that the main function of the platform would be to connect users with funds to help them with the monthly cost of a broadband connection and home computing devices. However, one of the biggest and earliest questions that came up was how to reach these users on a digital platform when they don’t have easy access to digital services at home.

Financial Friction

How might we link people who need financial help with government subsidies?

Community Outreach

How might we reach out to community members, especially the elderly?

Home Devices

How might we connect people with home computers/devices that can’t afford them.

Public Portal

How might we place this resource in a public place for people to access securely.

User Personas

Users of the platform will need to access it on whatever device is easiest and most available for them. For the elderly who are visited by a community outreach volunteer this could be a tablet, while for a smartphone-only internet user who wants to get connected at home this could be a dedicated mobile app.

user persona 1
user persona 2
user persona 3


As I ideated around the foundational goals of the project I put together: user personas, user journeys, and empathy maps to build out my understanding of where and how the design needed to function and how to meet users where they were. I developed low-fidelity prototypes to test parts of the user flow before bringing it all together into the final set of designs.

Platform Access

It was becoming clear that the main function of the platform would be to connect users with funds to help them with the monthly cost of a broadband connection and home computing devices. However, one of the biggest and first questions that came up was how to reach these users on a digital platform when they don’t have easy access to digital services at home.

I broke the users into 3 types of access: smartphone only, for those who have smart devices but no home service; community outreach for those who might need volunteer help to get started; and public space access for people who could be directed to it in places like libraries or community centers with shared computers and devices.

Ideation and User Flows

I iterated through several paper wireframes testing different ways to learn about users and use that information to filter subsidy programs and then present them with solutions that they qualified for. It was interesting trying to build trust and guide users without being overly prescriptive and wordy.

A large portion of the users coming to this platform won’t have a great deal of digital literacy. The dedicated mobile app is focused on the 15% of users in the group who are defined as “Mobile Internet Access Only” They only access the internet through a personal smart device. By keeping the design to mobile OS design systems it feels very familiar and reduces opportunities for confusion.

Look and Feel

The visual appearance of the platform needed to feel welcoming and energetic so I used warm and bright color complements to create a pleasant and encouraging environment. It was also important that text and interaction on the platform strike an encouraging and friendly tone knowing that this process could be a source of stress for many users. The content itself needed to try and diffuse some of those negative feelings. Users should be greeted by an interface that feels clean and unstressed.

Early Digital Wireframes

Design Solution

Usability studies conducted with early digital prototypes revealed some really interesting insights that informed the direction of the refined design solution and created some really exciting opportunities. One of my favorite changes was the addition of a little mascot. Many older users wanted more guidance and clarity about what was happening on each page and each step of the process, so I created this little character that can guide them through each page and explain things as they go.

Dedicated Mobile App

In the early prototypes many users were overwhelmed by the amount of information on the qualifying conditions page. By breaking it into a series of pages that group options by type it was much easier to navigate. Users were also intimidated by the “GET” button at the end of this section, they felt it was too final and permanent. By changing it to “LEARN MORE” users felt more comfortable selecting plans and exploring them more. Upfront information was also reduced to essentials and the cards expand to show more when users select them.

Qualifying Quizlet Key Frames
Key Accessibility Design Considerations
Guided Steps

Testing showed that less digitally literate users benefited from a mascot that guided them step by step through the process.

No Scrolling

Older users almost never scrolled down pages unless prompted so information is kept to a single screen.

OS UI Standards

The dedicated mobile app uses OS interface standards so that users with smart devices are familiar with the digital space already.

Responsive Website

The web version of iggy aims to still feel friendly and cheerful even though it might not always have the same personalization opportunities as the dedicated mobile app. It has a slightly different user flow because it asks for less information upfront and forgoes creating an account at first to allow users more opportunity to explore and learn before going to the main user flow.

Selected Screens

  Home Screen
Qualifying Situations
Option Selection Page

Next Steps

Iggy still has lots of room to grow and improve, there are several scenarios I would like to tackle in order to reach additional people and more testing is needed to understand the impact of additional changes.


Design a public facing “kiosk mode” that would allow people to sign up on shared public computers more safely with a focus on user data protection.


Expand the education resources to extend the useful lifespan of the platform past the sign up process.


Highlight device opportunities so that people who have needs only around home computers can find them more easily.


Reach out to non-profit organizations or investors to gauge interest levels in taking iggy to the next step and developing a working backend and website.


  • Impact
  • By connected people to resources and programs to help them get online iggy can give people access to services and opportunities that could drastically change their circumstances from education to employment. Ensuring that all members of a community can access the internet ensures that the whole community can grow and thrive without leaving anyone behind especially as the world move increasingly to digital online tools.
  • What I learned
  • My assumptions about standard behaviors on smart devices didn’t apply to a wide range of users. Things that are simple and intuitive to me like scrolling down a page aren’t to lots of people. Examining my own assumptions around how people interact with devices and what information they need to be comfortable made me a better designer.

This is such a fun and gratifying project to work on and the usefulness of a platform like this in my community gives me so much energy as I do the work. I’ve also learned so much throughout the process from talking to people who could benefit from a service like this to experimenting with new ways of designing user experiences and understanding their impact. I’m very excited to continue working on this project.

  • Citations
  • 1 “Mobile Technology and Home Broadband 2021” Pew Research Center, Washington, D.C. (June 3, 2021)
  • 2 “Internet/Broadband Fact Sheet” Pew Research Center, Washington, D.C. (April 7, 2021)
  • 3 “Smartphones help those without broadband get online, but don’t necessarily bridge the digital divide” Pew Research Center, Washington, D.C. (October 2016)

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